Albania Postal History of Shkoder by Kelion
The Postal History of Shkodër
Postal and Telegraph Cancellations and Postal Cachets until 29th November 1944 by John Kelion, Hardcover, A4 size, published 2012
This book is an exhaustive study of all the postal, and telegraph cancellations, as well as postal cachets, found on mail from Shkodër (Scutari in Albania) from the Napoleonic period 1812, until the Germans left Albania on 29th November 1944. There are extensive background historical notes, and specific notes where applicable on each cancellation.
The book is hard backed with 269 pages, fully illustrated in colour. Every mark is described with full measurements, period of use, and an example shown of its’ correct use on an item of mail. There are many previously unlisted or unrecorded markings, and several of the commoner marks have been found to exist in several sub-types; these are now all fully described. An estimated value is given for each mark.
The book is divided into two main parts.
Part 1
Includes sections on all postal markings found on civilian mail from 1812. This includes the post offices of Turkey, Austro-Hungary, Italy, Montenegro, and independent Albania, of which the main, and bazaar post offices are treated separately. There are also sections on independent carriers, and bogus and forged material.
Part 2
Includes sections on postal markings found on military mail, or mail handled for military personnel by the civilian post offices. It does not include military unit, or censorship markings. It covers all the periods from the first international occupation of 1913, until the German forces left in November 1944.
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